ASE Collectons

DevSecOps Collectons

The DevSecOps Collection features AppSecEngineer’s complete library of courses, Challenges, and Playgrounds on security test automation, building CI/CD pipelines, and regression testing. Courses covered in this collections: Beginner: GIT 101 Cours...

Secure Coding Collection

The Secure Coding Collection by AppSecEngineer tackles the issue of secure product development from every possible angle, flexible to any tech stack. Collection summary: Total Hours Total Lessons Total Cloud Labs 64 142 67 Watch this video to know...

Threat Modeling Collections

What if you could create a detailed blueprint of your software, and identify security threats before they become a problem? With the Threat Modeling Course Collection by AppSecEngineer, that’s exactly what you’ll learn to do. Collection Summary: T...

AWS Security Collections

The AWS Security Collection is AppSecEngineer’s biggest library, featuring 100+ courses, Challenges, and Playgrounds, covering every possible aspect of cloud security for AWS. Collections Summary: Total Hours Total Lessons Total Cloud Labs 54 156 ...

Azure Security Collections

When it comes to cloud-native applications, you’re dealing with a million moving parts. And there’s nothing worse than being unprepared for the million different ways your cloud can be breached. Total Hours Total Lessons Total Cloud Labs 25 41 21 ...

GCP Security Collections

Of the top 3 cloud providers, Google Cloud has the least amount of high-quality security training out there. The GCP Security Collection by AppSecEngineer aims to fill that void with a uniquely hands-on approach to cloud security. Total Hours Tota...

Containers & Kubernetes Security Collections

The more cutting-edge your tech stack, the harder it is to find high-quality training for your product team. But with the Containers and Kubernetes Course Collection by AppSecEngineer, you get world-class learning from a single source. Collections...

AI & LLM Security Collection

With AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) revolutionizing the tech landscape, the need for robust security in AI-driven applications has never been more critical. Our new training collection, "AI Combat & Construct" offers an immersive, hands-on ex...