What if you could create a detailed blueprint of your software, and identify security threats before they become a problem? With the Threat Modeling Course Collection by AppSecEngineer, that’s exactly what you’ll learn to do.

Collection Summary:

Total HoursTotal LessonsTotal Cloud Labs

Courses in this collection:

  • Threat Modeling with Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
  • Threat Modelling Essentials
  • Agile Threat Modelling
  • Threat Modeling with Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
  • Threat Modelling Essentials

Key takeaways from this Collection:

  1. Learn STRIDE, OCTAVE, NIST & more
  2. How to use Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool
  3. Apply threat models in Agile SDLC
  4. Abuser stories, test cases, threat-model-as-code