The more cutting-edge your tech stack, the harder it is to find high-quality training for your product team. But with the Containers and Kubernetes Course Collection by AppSecEngineer, you get world-class learning from a single source.

Collections Summary:

Total HoursTotal LessonsTotal Cloud Labs

Courses covered in this collection:

  • Attacking Kubernetes Clusters Playground
  • Kubernetes Policy Management with Kyverno
  • Kubernetes Network Security and Service-Mesh Essentials
  • Kubernetes Authentication and Authorization
  • Kubernetes Admission Control
  • Kubernetes 101
  • Intro to Kubernetes Secrets

Key takeaways from this Collection:

  1. Beginner to advanced Kubernetes courses
  2. Beginner to advanced Container courses
  3. Test your teams with 50+ labs & Challenges
  4. Gain security maturity with Containers & K8s