The Secure Coding Collection by AppSecEngineer tackles the issue of secure product development from every possible angle, flexible to any tech stack.

Collection summary:

Total Hours
Total Lessons
Total Cloud Labs

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Courses covered in this collection:

  • Attacking and Defending SQL Injection with Java Spring Boot
  • Attacking and Defending Persistent XSS with Java EE
  • Attacking and Defending Session Fixation with Java EE
  • Attacking and Defending XXE with Java EE
  • Implementing CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) with Java EE
  • Attacking and Defending Insecure Deserialisation with Java EE
  • Attacking and Defending Insecure Deserialisation with Java EE
  • Attacking and Defending SSRF with Java EE
  • Attack and Defense SSRF With Django
  • Attacking and Defending SQL Injection with Java EE
  • VueJS: Content Security Policy Playground
  • ReactJS - Cross Site Scripting Playground
  • ReactJS - CSP Attack and Defense Playground
  • TLS and Encrypting Data in Transit
  • GRAPHQL Attack Vectors
  • Cross Origin Resource Sharing Playground
  • SAML Attack and Defense
  • Security Logging for Application Security
  • Introduction to OpenAPI Specification
  • Kotlin Security Playground
  • Swift Security Playground
  • Server-Side Request Forgery: Attack & Defense
  • Introduction to Web App Cryptography
  • Injections, XXE, and Insecure Deserialization
  • Cross-Site-Scripting Attack and Defense
  • Attacking and Defending Authentication & Access Control

Key Takeaway from Secure Coding collections:

  1. Find & fix OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities
  2. Learn encryption, API security, AuthN & AuthZ
  3. Write secure code with hands-on Playgrounds
  4. Test your skills in 40+ Challenges