Common questions surrounding AppSecEngineer

Is AppSecEngineer available in languages other than English?

At the moment we are going with English as it is the language our instructors are conversant in. Over time as more students join we certainly look forward to support more languages starting with the subtitles and audio.

In some labs you have asked me to enter my AWS credentials or my Azure credentials and store them in the lab. How do I know it is secure?

In all our labs we have leveraged authentication as well as TLS(Transport Layer Security) to ensure that your credentials are not sent over the network in plain text. Since there is TLS for all the labs, once you are done with the lab, or you quit...

How do I access the courses on AppSecEngineer?

Once you subscribe to AppSecEngineer, you can access the portal where you can find the list of all our courses. You can enrol in any of the courses and get immediate access to the material of that particular course.

How do I launch a lab?

Courses that offer hands-on labs will feature specific lab modules in a sidebar. You need to click on a lab module to launch that specific lab.

Until how long do I have access to videos, labs, and learning material?

You will have access to all the training materials as long as your subscription is active. Once your subscription ends, you’ll need to renew it in order to continue using our platform. You will be reminded of renewing your subscription before it e...

What are the learning materials that can I download?

Every course features one or more slide decks that the instructors use to teach you, all of which are available to download. Additionally, transcripts of the videos can be downloaded as well.

I want to get a subscription for my team members/colleagues. How do I do that?

AppSecEngineer offers enterprise subscription plans: AppSecEngineer for Teams. You will need to purchase a minimum of 5 seats per team account, billed yearly. Every team member gets one seat. If you require 20 seats or more, you’ll need a Teams Pl...

What are the minimum system and browser requirements for running the labs?

Our labs do not require any downloads or installations on your system. They are completely browser-based and very lightweight.  All you need is a computer with an up-to-date web browser (Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox work best) and a moderatel...

Do you offer live trainings? How do I book one?

Yes, we do offer live online and in-person training sessions. You can contact our sales team to schedule a training session for your organization. The sessions will be billed separately from the AppSecEngineer platform.

What is the difference between a course and a Learning Path?

A  Learning Path is a broad cluster of related topics that offer complementary skills and knowledge. Some Learning Paths are even specific to one tech stack (e.g. Kubernetes).  Each Learning Path contains multiple courses that focus on more speci...

I have questions for some instructors, how do I ask them?

You will have access to the AppsecEngineer Discord server where you can post your questions to the instructors and other learners. Our instructors will do their best to answer as many questions as possible.  Our team is also working on creating an...

Can I get CPE credits or certifications for these courses?

If you are an accreditation body like ISC SQUARED, CISA or ISACA, and they accept security learning that you have done from a third party institution which is what we believe to be the case. You can get CPE credits for your certification as well. ...

Where can I find special offers and discounts on these courses?

We believe our prices are extremely competitive, especially with regard to the quality and quantity of hands-on training material that cover so many facets of AppSecEngineer. The value we offer is simply second to none. However, we will be offerin...

I need an invoice for the purchase of AppSecEngineer. How do I get one?

As soon as you purchase AppSecEngineer, you will automatically be issued with an invoice for your purchase via email. If you need a ny additional documentation please let us know, and we will furnish based on request basis.

How do I get badges for the courses I attend?

Getting a Course Badge Badges are awarded to you automatically after you complete all lessons in a particular course. You will need to mark all lessons in the course as "Completed" with the "Mark as complete" button. Only then badges are issued to...